With your help, Sip and Savor Soiree Raised Over $128,000!

100% of the proceeds support patients all throughout West Tennessee through the Hope and Healing Foundation’s funds for the Hospice Home and Patient Needs. However you were involved in the event this year, we want to thank you for being a part and for supporting healthcare in our community!

Interested in applying to be a chef or sponsoring Sip & Savor Soirée 2025?

Please contact the West Tennessee Healthcare Hope and Healing Foundation and be a part of an event that makes a difference in our community.

(731) 541-HOPE (4673) or hopeandhealing@wth.org.

The West Tennessee Healthcare Hope and Healing Foundation supports the health, healing, and well-being of our patients, staff, and local community. By supporting the Sip and Savor Soiree, you’re contributing to the mission of West Tennessee Healthcare while also funding its healthcare needs throughout our region.